Water and sanitary hygiene in Pakistan

The project resulted in the following changes for the people of the KP province in Pakistan: Access to clean water for at least 34,184 individuals (young children, adults and elderly), as well as to sanitation facilities through coordination with other shelter projects. Sanitation and hygiene were improved as a result of behaviour change communication through community health improvement sessions (CHIP) targeting 75% women and school health improvement sessions (SHIP) targeting primary school age children. 42 water and sanitation committees (WSC) with at least 40% women participation were trained and capacitated for ownership. Operations and maintenance of WASH services took place and is linked to development intervention. Disaster resilient WASH services and collection of cash/in-kind contribution for resilience fund at village level were put in place. 84 female teachers were trained as hygiene promoters for improved and effective hygiene practices among children. Proven models were installed for systemic uptake of best practices with methods validated to support sustainability and expansion beyond the project.

Wider transformative impacts included: healthier families; improved social/economic status especially for women/girls; increased female participation in local governance and community decision-making.

Building a society in which girls and women have greater opportunities and access involves not only working with girls and women, but also boys/men. This was done through actively engaging with village organisations, WSCs, elders, religious leaders and community opinion formers (particularly men) to gain support, as well as advocacy efforts to promote behaviour change and raise awareness of the important role they play in supporting and sustaining social change.

This project was sponsored by ECHO and the implementing partner is the Aga Khan development network.

Project Type

Development Project

Project Duration

01/09/2016 to 01/09/2017






Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province


European Commission Humanitarian Office (ECHO), HOPE’87