Improving women's health and providing pre- and postnatal health care
In order to reduce child mortality and to improve the health of pregnant women and young mothers a maternity post was built and equipped in the rural community of Médina Chérif (Moyenne Casamance) to further enhance the medical services rendered by the already existing health centre. This medical infrastructure comprises a maternity ward, an observation room, an examination room, an office for the midwife and a waiting area. Furthermore, the medical, administrative and financial management of the maternity post as well as the health centre was ensured by capacity building measures for the medical staff and the health committee in charge of both infrastructures. A monthly average of 391 patients visit the health centre, 75 pregnant women request pre-natal health care, 15 babies are born, 60 children are vaccinated, 15 mothers receive post-natal health advise and 47 women seek advice on contraception.
Project Background:
In 2010, the health centre was constructed in the same rural community of Médina Chérif (Moyenne Casamance) by HOPE’87. The project was funded by Dr Siegfried Axtmann and the Flight Ambulance International (FAI) and facilitated by the UNESCO Foundation – Education for Children in Need. The health centre provides approximately 1,014 consultations per semester dealing with malaria, diarrhoea, worm infections, flu, accidents and prenatal, natal and postnatal care. The health centre has become part of the public health care system of the district of Kolda, receiving public funding to ensure financial sustainability.
Project Type
Development Project, Health
Project Duration
01/12/2011 to 31/12/2012
Moyenne Casamance
Foundation UNESCO – Education for Children in Need, Flight Ambulance International (FAI)